Hello, friends! Welcome to Learning 4 Keeps! My name is Leah, a God following Pastor's wife as well as Mommy and teacher to three beautiful girls. To learn a little more about the fingers behind the blog, just click the About Me tab above and don't forget to link up through social media using the tabs below. Happy blogging!

Review: Knowledge Quest

 photo 61867_10151551915578243_1408297526_n_zpsc18fa83b.pngHello, friends! Reading has to be one of my first true loves. Honestly, I wear glasses today because I would hide under my covers with a tiny flashlight to read "just one more chapter." (As if I could ever stop with just one!) I have been so excited to see my children follow in my footsteps as they have adopted their own love of reading but they have often gravitated towards modern novels. I jumped at the chance to offer my eldest daughter a chance to read a historical novel about someone she is already interested in. Let me tell you a bit about Knowledge Quest and our opportunity to read their interactive e-book Sacagawea.


Sacagawea is an interactive e-book written by Karla Akins. Within its 112 pages, it immerses your young reader in the life of the well-known Sacagawea after she helped Lewis and Clark on their expedition. Recommended for ages 10 and up, this book gives an in-depth look at the trying, frightening and courageous life of this brave historical figure. (Be aware that the book does record spousal abuse and alcoholism in a non-graphic manner.)  There is adventure, struggle, loss and victories. The book is fast paced and takes the reader for an emotional ride that leaves them feeling as if they have gotten a rare, intimate view into Sacagwea's life as she relayed her personal story to her son: Pompey.

Good to Know

  1. The book can be purchased in four episodes or can be downloaded in its entirety for $3.99 on Amazon as a PDF e-book.
  2. It is a downloadable book that is interactive. This means that throughout the book, there are links that offer more information. If an uncommon word is listed or even an Indian term used, the word will be highlighted in blue. When your child clicks on the word, they are taken to another website to see pictures and descriptions of the word. If within the story, the characters are tanning hides, you are able to click and find the steps to tanning hides. If a particular animal is listed, the reader is able to click on the word and a picture as well as description is available. This made it enjoyable for my daughter as she didn't have to guess what a particular Indian term meant or have to ask me about unfamiliar words. This is one of my favorite features!
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My Daughter's Thoughts

When I first assigned the book to my daughter, I did not realize that she would disappear for the rest of the day. She literally devoured this e-book and emerged from her room with an excited step. She handed the Kindle back to me and exclaimed, "That was awesome!" Since my goal was to get my daughter excited about historical fiction, I can gladly say that my mission was accomplished all thanks to Knowledge Quest and this fantastic historical fiction novel.

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