Hello, friends! Welcome to Learning 4 Keeps! My name is Leah, a God following Pastor's wife as well as Mommy and teacher to three beautiful girls. To learn a little more about the fingers behind the blog, just click the About Me tab above and don't forget to link up through social media using the tabs below. Happy blogging!

Blogger Showcase: Fun In 1st Grade!

Hi, friends! Welcome to the first day of my Blogger Showcase! I am so excited to introduce to you Dana from Fun in 1st Grade! As you all know, first grade is my favorite grade so I love reading her blog! I am honored to have her write on Learning 4 Keeps today and I know that you will enjoy her as well. She even has included something special for you at the end! ;) 

This is my first time to ever be a guest blogger and I am so excited and honored!   I should probably start by introducing myself.  I am Dana from Fun in 1st Grade.  I have been blogging since late April and have been teaching for 10 years.  I have taught Pre-K, K, 1st, and 2nd.  I love blogging and will admit, at times, it takes over my life…
Leah asked me about a week ago to be a guest and I have been racking my brain ever since.  I decided I would ramble talk about math.  Love it or hate it, we have to teach it and our kids have to know it.  Math is a focus at my school this year, so it has been on my mind a lot.  My state is switching over to Common Core Standards for math and language in K-2 this year and 3-5 next, so we have received a lot of math training. 
There are many ways to teach students to add and subtract.  We are currently using EnVision Math by Pearson .  This series, like most others, teaches every way imaginable to add- make a ten, use doubles and doubles plus one, count on, use a number line, and related facts.  With subtraction, they learn to use a number line, related facts, and count backwards.  While I teach all of these methods, I REALLY like to teach my students TouchMath.  If you are not familiar with TouchMath, here it is in a nutshell- each number has specific dots on it and the students learn where they are and count up or down, depending on addition or subtraction. 
We do our TouchMath a little differently than the company that sells the program.  We call it Touch Points and have changed the location of the dots on the 9 and how we draw a few of the dots.  The method is still the same, though.
Here are their numbers-

The dots are easier to draw on tiny little worksheet numbers than a dot with a circle around it.  We just practice over and over where the dots are and how many times you touch it.  For an addition problem, I teach them to say the big number then touch the points on the smaller number wile counting up.  It is the reverse for subtraction. 
Click {HERE} for the parent letter we send home, explaining this concept.
Click {HERE} for the numbers with Touch points.
What are your thoughts on teaching children to add or subtract?  What works for you?

Thanks to Leah for this opportunity and I hope you’ll stop by my blog soon!  I am having a 500 follower giveaway that you don’t want to miss!

Thanks so much for joining us Dana! Just click on the link above friends to connect with Dana and to watch for her 500 follower giveaway! I am sure it will be a fantastic occasion!

See you all tomorrow for another Guest Blogger! Happy Blogging!
