Wednesday, July 11, 2012

An Award!

Woohoo!! This is me doing a happy dance today! I found out that I have been awarded the Versatile Award by Donna at Working 5 to 9 Math. Thank you so much Donna! I love your blog!

So here is what I get to do!
The Rules for accepting The Versatile Blogger Award:
1. Thank the blogger who nominated you. check!
2. Include a link to their site. check!
3. Include the award image in your post. got it!
4. Give 7 random facts about yourself. check!
5. Nominate 15 other bloggers for the award. ummm how about 4 that I really like? :)
6. When nominating, include a link to their site. got it!
7. Let other bloggers know they have been nominated.
7 Random Facts about Me:
1.) I absolutely love music. I play piano, drums, bass, and keyboards.
2.) I am a pastor's wife at a beautiful church in sunny Florida!
3.) I am a Sci-Fi fan! I love Stargate and any kind of superhero movie! (Avengers... LOVE!)
4.) I would love to one day publish an adolescent chapter book. I have done most of the manuscript for the first one. :) Maybe one day...
5.) Pixar is my favorite movie production company! ("I will call him squishy and he shall be mine. And he shall be my squishee!"- Comment below if you recognize this one!)
6.) All of my girls' names end in lee- Emalee, Natalee, and Lillee
7.) I want to one day travel the west on a road trip with the family. (Grand Canyon, Mount Rushmore, Route 66...)

And my nominations are..... drumroll please......

Dee at Deelightfulmoments
Carrie at A First Grade Teacher's Passions and Obsessions

Stevi and Tamara at Two Crazy Texas Teachers
Ms. Smith at Adventures of Ms. Smith

I know the directions say to post 15 but I only wanted to post ones that I am a member of and ones that I really enjoy myself! I hope you enjoy them as well! :)

Thanks again Donna for the award!


  1. How exciting!! Thank you so much! I'm going to have to check out the other blogs you mentioned!

  2. And now for another award...I'm awarding you the Liebster Award! You can drop by blog to find out all about it. I'm your newest follower and I can't wait to read all about your homeschool adventures.

    Hooty's Homeroom

  3. I added your button to my blog. Just thought you'd like to know.

  4. Dee~ You are welcome! I love to connect with other teachers so thank you!

    Hooty~ WOW! So exciting! Thank you so much for the award! I will head over now. Thanks for connecting!


Thanks for dropping a line! Happy Blogging!